Renewable energy
HALICI EPC sees 2023 as the year of learning for itself in 'Renewable Energy' issues, and 2024 as the year of gaining a place in the market and subsequently making a leap.
With the implementation of our ongoing projects on Renewable Energy Technologies at the beginning of 2024, we will have the necessary knowledge, environmental and business experience documents. Our aim is to reach an experienced staff structure in this sector and to protect and strengthen our team. In our forward planning for our company, our goal in this sector is to become not only a contractor but also an investor who owns power plants.

E-House Type Energy Distribution

Existing Power Plants


Solar power plant

Cogeneration Plant

Landfill Gas or Wastewater Treatment

Solar power plant
Establishment of SPP-Solar Power Plant Stations on a turnkey basis.

Cogeneration Plant
Kojenerasyon Tesislerinin anahtar teslimi olarak kurulması.

Garbage and Wastewater Treatment Plant
Çöp Gazı veya Atıksu Arıtma Tesislerinde elde edilen Bio-Gaz ile çalışan Elektrik Çevrim Santrallerinin anahtar teslimi olarak kurulması.

Turnkey installation of 36/154/380kV Step Down Center and Switchyards. In this context, external partner support will be received.

Existing Power Plants
Participating in the initial delivery and installation stages of Projects related to Energy Storage Facilities

E-House Type Energy Distribution
E-House Type Energy Distribution Centers and Control Station Termination, installation and commissioning projects,