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High Performance Circuit Breakers - HPCBs

High Performance Circuit Breakers - HPCBs

S800 and S500 series are the primarily preferred circuit breakers in the industrial and renewable energy sectors. These series offer excellent solutions in both size and performance with innovative short-circuit elimination technology, thus creating an effective alternative to mains fuses in a variety of applications.

The main advantages of these series include offering compact and reliable protection for electrical installations with breaking capacity up to 50kA and rated current up to 125A. In particular, the S800 is ideal for cost savings in areas such as PV string boxes and OEM automation panels. The S800 and S500 series are supported by a wide range of accessories that offer remote installation control and monitoring as well as protection features.

The series has a wide range with rated current from 6 A to 125 A and breaking capacity up to 50 kA. The S800PV HPCB is designed specifically for PV applications, while the S800-SCL SR increases short-circuit breaking capacity. The S500 series offers users the flexibility to adjust the rated tripping current according to their needs, making the series compatible with a variety of energy systems. With these features, the S800 and S500 series offer ideal, high-performance solutions for demanding energy systems.



Esenşehir District
Karaçam Street
Halıcı Plaza No:3


444 34 94

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